A urethral caruncle is a small, non-cancerous growth that can form near the opening of the urethra, mostly in women after menopause and rarely in men. Low estrogen levels can cause changes in the ...
The Cardioplegia Coronary Ostium Cannulae from Sorin is used for the direct cannulation of the coronary ostium to deliver cardioplegic solution.
Simplified endovascular access to the VA origin after angioplasty is demonstrated. A unique angioplasty balloon designed as a dual balloon dilation catheter with an ostial balloon to ensure proper ...
Your aid supply, your strength bestow.
This section will review IUC complications: infectious complications such as (symptomatic bacterial infection, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urosepsis, and epididymitis), catheter blockage (due to calculi ...