“If UPSR and PT3 were reinstated, it would better prepare students for SPM and their future studies, as they would learn to handle the pressure of major exams,” said Deena.
KUALA LUMPUR: Educators and parent groups say the reintroduction of major examinations such as the UPSR and PT3 should only be considered if the assessments are of substance and quality. They ...
(吉隆坡27日讯)教育部副部长黄家和表示,废除中三评估考试(PT3)并不会影响大马教育文凭(SPM)考生的整体表现。根据废除PT3后首批考生的SPM成绩,整体表现依然稳定,甚至部分科目成绩有显著提升。部分科目及格率提升“首先,从SPM成绩来看,考生的 ...
Great Pyramid is a Malaysian one-stop HR solutions provider. It serves over 450 clients across the world, including in ...