Meng Lei, China equity strategist at UBS Securities, said investor confidence in the capital market is also recovering, ...
Meanwhile, another 2 pre-opening trades of 1.94 million shares of AIA were registered at 9:01am at HK$63.7 per share,same as previous close, with the total amount of HK$123.58m. In addition, 4 ...
million shares of TRACKER FUND was registered at 2:38pm at HK$23.72 per share, 1.1% lower than previous close, with the total amount of HK$237.2m. The 4 non-direct manual trades amounted to 40 million ...
在加拿大移民、难民及公民事务部(IRCC)的公告中,今年“快速通道”(Express Entry,简称EE)的类别列出8类优先职业,包括家庭医生、护士、牙医、木匠、承包工、教师、托儿人员以及残疾人教育导师。
加拿大移民、难民和公民部(IRCC)于周四(27日)公布了2025年「快速通道」(Express Entry,即EE)类别,将教师助理、幼教工人和厨师等添加到技术移民优先选择的职业名单中。