Europe should take a more proactive role in global trade and strengthen economic ties with China to safeguard its interests, rather than passively react to U.S. policies, a German trade group leader ...
"However, as they both face external challenges like rising protectionism and geopolitical uncertainties, the two economies ...
近日,上海交大机械与动力工程学院制冷与低温工程研究所王如竹教授ITEWA创新团队在Energy & Environmental Science上发表了题为“Fewer temperature ties ...
而这次新发布的 AT-AT 驾驶员头盔比五年前的 TIE 驾驶员头盔套装仅多出 6 个零件,但从图片来看,它是全新设计的。成品尺寸为 13cm×13cm×20cm。 而且,这两款套装在价格上却存在明显差异。与 TIE 战机驾驶员头盔相比,AT-AT 驾驶员头盔的价格上涨了 20 欧元。