2025秋冬系列,如同一封写给时光流逝的情书,缓缓展开。每一件作品都轻声诉说着一个故事,灵感源自于时光与时代的舞动,捕捉着生命的优雅。这一系列汲取了时间的诗意,将过去、现在与未来无缝融合,编织成一场跨越时空的对话。该系列的核心,是那些承载时光旅程浪漫的面料。缎面滚边的纹理绉纱,仿佛在诉说着钟摆与古老日晷的优雅律动。纹理绉纱与丝绒激光切割唤醒了经典,为永恒的图案注入新的生命力。绉纱上的百褶设计,如同 ...
Nippon Steel President Tadashi Imai said on Tuesday talks are set to start with the U.S. Department of Commerce as it aims to ...
越通社河内——17日,越共中央政治局委员、中央书记处书记、中央经济部部长阮文平在越共中央总部会见了日本国际协力银行执行董事前田匡史 (Tadashi Maeda)。 会见中,前田匡史向阮文平介绍了代表团同越南有关单位关于日本鼓励发展能源,特别是可再生能源、清洁和环境友好型能源的新合作倡议和建议的工作会谈结果。他同时介绍了日本国际协力银行加强对越南的贷款援助活动的定向。
The comments from Nippon Steel President Tadashi Imai on Tuesday are the first from an executive of the company since Trump ...
Tadashi Kawamata is a contemporary Japanese artist best known for sculptural installations. Mostly made from mass-produced materials like wooden pallets, balsa wood, corrugate tin, and cardboard, ...
Nippon Steel plans to use its current merger agreement to acquire U.S. Steel as a starting point for talks with the U.S.
Nippon Steel's president reaffirms commitment to U.S. Steel acquisition, seeking Trump's approval despite his preference for ...
While Trump has said Nippon Steel will not have a majority stake in U.S. Steel, Imai reiterated his company's intention to ...
STORY: Japan's Nippon Steel has a plan to get talks going with the U.S. government.Company President Tadashi Imai said Tuesday (Feb 25) his firm could use its current merger agreement to buy U.S.