A modern web application to help Power Apps developers convert classic controls to modern controls. This tool takes YAML source code from classic controls and transforms it to the equivalent modern ...
Add the CalciteResources ResourceDictionary to your App.xaml Merged Directionary resources to get access to default styles and resources. Dark/Light mode is automatically handled and adjust to system ...
三星将推出全球首个端对端5G FWA商用解决方案,并展示各种以5G为动力的家庭,城市和交通用例。 全球首个由美国联邦通信委员会颁布的5G毫米波设备的监管批准。 西班牙巴塞罗纳-2018年2月26日- 三星电子将在MWC2018展会上展示其端对端的5G商用解决方案,为移动 ...