Lahiripur within Gosaba block is one of the most climate vulnerable islands in Sunderbans and hence, was selected as one of the regions where Unicef organised a mobile health camp under its recent ...
Emphasising the importance of increasing green cover, the West Bengal budget for 2025-26 allocated Rs 1,091.11 crore for the forest department and Sunderbans Affairs. A senior forest official ...
The Union Budget 2025 has paved the way for a speedier green transition in the country, but failed to address the critical issue of climate adaptation finance that is vital to the lives and ...
After more than 12 hours of search, the West Bengal Forest department finally managed to catch the Royal Bengal Tiger which attacked and injured a forest guard in the Sunderbans on Monday. Around 3.30 ...
The rising threat of cyclones and erosion in SunderbansThe Sundarbans, a vast and fragile mangrove delta where the ...
The tiger strayed into village Nagenabad in the South 24 Parganas district bordering the reserved forest area of the Sunderban delta and mauled a forest department staffer ...
A tiger that strayed into Maipith’s jungles in the Sundarbans, was finally captured early this morning, thanks to the relentless efforts of forest officials.
First, what are mangroves, and why are they important? Mangroves are the only kind of trees that can thrive in salty water near the sea. The Sunderbans, for example, are located in the delta formed by ...
A paper just published claims that tigers are staging a comeback in India. Persecution, habitat destruction, and ...
Rising waters and illicit logging are killing the trees in the Sundarbans, the natural wall that protects the India-Bangladesh coast. Tidal surges now isolate parts of Sagar Island, south of ...