The sugar cane in this recipe isn't merely there to serve as a handle for the minced shrimp and pork; it also keeps the mixture moist from within and adds a subtle sweetness. Look for sugar cane ...
Unrefined golden caster sugar with some molasses left in is also available. This gives baked dishes a more intense flavour and a darker result. Ideal for meringues, caster sugar is used in baking ...
Before the sugar cane can be crushed in the mill, the canes have to be deprived of their leaves, and this is now done by hand. The invention we are about to describe is intended to supersede the ...
Firstly cut the Alphonso mango into pieces and marinate for 30 minutes with salt. 2. Next we will grind mustard seeds, green chili, chili powder, turmeric powder, grated coconut and sugar-cane jaggery ...
In keeping with the sattvic traditions of the festival, using natural sweeteners like desi khand instead of refined sugar makes the offerings not only more nutritious but also aligned with Ayurvedic ...