Millions of euro has been spent on repairs and spare parts for the ageing government jet which is now worth just over €2m.
Clusters of mechanics in high-vis-jackets drill, rewire, saw and hammer away at workstations. Others take the bikes for a spin on an indoor test lane, vigorously ringing the bell as if they’re revving ...
Russian airlines have found a way to get their hands on otherwise inaccessible Boeing and Airbus parts. Western sanctions on ...
The DHL Group wants to position itself as a broad-based logistics partner for the raw materials, battery and electric ...
B.C. Transit has taken steps to secure spare parts for buses built by failed manufacturer Vicinity Motor Corp (VMC), which is based in the Metro Vancouver community of Aldergrove. An unsigned ...
In a test, Vattenfall used sensor systems and autonomous drones to inspect offshore wind turbines. Drones also deliver the ...
Read about the State Department's approval of Israel's three foreign military sales requests worth $3 billion combined for ...
KUWAIT CITY, Mar 3: A joint security operation between Kuwait’s General Department of Narcotics Control and its Qatari counterpart successfully intercepted a large shipment of the psychotropic drug ...
In this highly mobile war keeping Ukraine’s armored and lightweight combat vehicles on the road is essential. Kyiv Post takes ...
ESA’s metal 3D printer aboard the ISS could revolutionize space exploration by enabling self-sufficient missions.
The Flyers will listen if teams want to overpay for what they have to offer, but they don't view their top trade assets as ...