Colla McParland is restoring Sorona, an S-class cruiser with a rich history, after discovering her at Silvery Light Sailing ...
Dalton, GA, November 18--According to Mohawk Industries, its new SmartStrand fiber made with DuPont’s Sorona® Polymer is the “biggest fiber innovation in 20 years.” That’s how strongly ...
它们分布在颈部、锁骨上、肩胛区、胸腹等核心区域,为身体提供热量。 因此,对比成年人,孩子有很好地应对寒冷的机制。 再加上孩子本身基础代谢率也比成人高,也就是安静时候产生的能量更多,更不需要捂太多了。 而且,给孩子捂太多还可能引发健康问题: ① ...
The increase in the market is primarily driven by the growing number of environmental-aware consumers and also the more stringent g ...
A fermentation of the corn releases the sugars, which are used to create bio-PDO, one of the two major components of the Sorona polymer. Sorona is a true polymer, and the use of corn does not make ...
Pro-Flex is made with 60 percent polyester and 40 percent Sorona® for eco-friendly durability — offering superior stretch, quick-drying capabilities and a reduced environmental footprint compared to ...