We have spent enough time with the Sony WH-1000XM5 to conclude that they may be the best wireless headphones you can buy at their price. With an extensive feature set, superb sound quality and regular ...
近日,宁波天益医疗器械股份有限公司(301097.SZ)联合其实际控制人成功收购日本日机装株式会社(以下简称日机装)全球CRRT(连续性肾脏替代治疗 ...
主要原因是2023年度公司高毛利率产品CRRT销售收入处于较高水平,报告期内CRRT销售收入回归常态。此外,公司持续加强科技创新能力,研发投入大幅增长。公司总股本同比增长49.00%,主要系2024年7月9日完成2023年年度权益分派实施,以资本公积向全体股东每股转增 ...
Sony has announced the FE 400-800mm F6.3-8 G, the company's new furthest-reaching super-telephoto zoom for full-frame cameras. Recent Videos It's made of 27 elements in 19 groups, with 6 ED elements, ...
Sony has announced the FE 16mm F1.8 G, a new ultra-wide, fast prime for full-frame E-mount cameras. The company's lineup hasn't exactly been short of wide-angle options, but Sony is pitching this as a ...
In April, organizers will hand the prestigious Photographer of the Year title, as well as a $25,000 cash prize and a range of Sony equipment, to one of the 30 finalists. In a press statement ...
胸闷、气短、乏力、双下肢水肿,83岁的张奶奶这些症状持续了很多年,近日因右下肢急性蜂窝织炎感染后引发脓毒性休克,前来西安交通大学第二 ...
I love Sony. When smartphones from companies like Apple and Samsung zig, Sony inevitably zags, and it’s how we ended up with the Xperia 1 line in the first place. The series has built its ...
Despite dropping from the race of the most popular flagship on the market, Sony continues to churn out smartphones every year. At least one flagship and one mid-range Xperia phones are making their ...
本次收购完成后,公司将形成完整的CRRT业务产品线,也将成为继费森尤斯,万益特(原百特肾科业务)之后第三家具有CRRT全线产品的公司,构建起 ...
无偿划转完成后,中国电气装备将成为公司的直接控股股东。公司实控人仍为国务院国资委。 天益医疗:拟向BELLCO S.R.L.收购其CRRT-滤器业务资产 天益医疗公告,公司拟通过新加坡全资子公司潽莱马克隆向BELLCO S.R.L.收购其CRRT-滤器业务资产。本次交易对价预计为 ...