I have a hard time committing to new TV series these days. Most of the things I start, I find I've given up before I pass the ...
Stellantis is facing backlash after introducing full-screen pop-up ads in its cars to encourage drivers to purchase Mopar's ...
二来,相当于响应美国政府的政策需求,帮美国本土把先进芯片的生产制造搞好——前阵子才刚看到有消息说,台积电之前盖好的美国工厂已经开始生产 4nm 芯片,这下好了,还有可能吃下英特尔现成的工厂,美国制造的 buff 叠满了,之后川普也不好拿它开涮吧。
不是差友们,想当年市场份额接近垄断,电视上各种投放 “ 噔~ 噔蹬蹬噔” 魔性广告的英特尔,这就要被友商收购了?并且还是曾经被自己遥遥领先的友商? 就在前两天,有媒体爆料英特尔可能会被芯片代工巨头台积电和芯片设计巨头博通所 “ 瓜分 ” ,其中台积电想要买下英子的芯片代工部门,而博通则是想要买下芯片设计和营销部门。 如果这消息属实的话,那么英特尔的历史确实是要画上一个句号了。 虽然咱们之前都知道英 ...
The news was featured in publications such as Ars Technica, eWeek, MSNBC, Slashdot, and The Register. A March 31, 2005 article published in The Register featured the lurid article title ...