(吉隆坡28日訊)一名因涉及谋杀案而被改判監禁30年兼鞭笞12下的男囚犯因担心自己在接受12下鞭刑后会因傷勢嚴重而丧命,遂向联邦法院申请司法审核,並以1名受刑人去年在接受鞭刑後,因臀部鈍傷而引發脓毒性后遗症,繼而因情況嚴重而死亡一例,要求法院撤销他的 ...
During the current flu season, influenza-associated encephalopathy or encephalitis (IAE) was identified in 9 of 68 (13%) ...
The first measles death in the growing outbreak in West Texas was a school-aged child. The child was unvaccinated and had ...
Objectives To document what types of gastrointestinal sequelae were described after surgery for necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) and to analyse their frequency. Design Systematic review and ...
At President Donald Trump’s first cabinet meeting on Wednesday, he deferred a question about the measles outbreak in Texas to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., secretary of the US Departme ...
The long-term sequelae of past COVID-19 exposure is emerging as a dominant public health concern. Our findings highlight the increased cardiovascular risk of individuals with past infection, which are ...
Sanghavi, R. , Tesmer, P. , Singh, D. and Sukumaran, S. (2025) Adolescent-Onset Triple-Antibody Positive Juvenile ...
The final, formatted version of the article will be published soon. Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (PASC) presents a multifaceted interplay of demographic, clinical, environmental, and ...
Pew Research Center conducted a survey to gauge Americans’ views on the current COVID risk and how the pandemic was handled.
Chronic chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy is a substantial burden among people with cancer treated with chemotherapy ...