After flying over 14,485km to Perth, John and Lisa sample fresh snapper and meet a cute marsupial before Lisa tries her hand at crafting traditional Chinese dumplings.
从设计图中可以看到,这款鞋整体上以Air Force 1 Low为主体,但其鞋领采用了袜套式的设计,搭配登山靴式的绳索鞋带,形成了一种近乎解构的风格。藤原浩提到:“如果能够将样品中底直接与鞋面连接起来将会很有趣,这让我对未来的设计充满了期待。”从这番言论中,我们不难窥见他对于鞋类设计的执着追求。在他的眼中,鞋不仅仅是一种穿着的物品,更是艺术和功能结合的表达。
Tianran and Hannah climb Mount Huangshan, one of China's most famous mountains. They sample its delicate green tea and the rich flavours of Anhui cuisine and explore the region's ancient villages.