Discover how psoriasis affects immune function and the role of SSAT1 in this chronic skin condition. Learn more now.
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. KTOS recently secured a $59.3 million contract for the production of an additional ...
The cumulative value of FRP Lots 4 through 6, including the base award and the exercised option for Lot 5, now stands at $177 ...
Security Solutions announced that Kratos has received $59,338,010 for an additional 70 BQM-177A Subsonic Aerial ...
A potential new psoriasis treatment restores the function of certain anti-inflammatory immune cells in a targeted manner.
As the researchers' analyses revealed, the enzyme SSAT plays a key role in the loss of function of Treg cells. SSAT is involved in the regulation of certain molecules (polyamines) that are important ...
Psoriasis is one of the most common chronic inflammatory skin diseases, affecting around 250,000 people in Austria.
主讲人:郑作彧,南京大学社会学院教授、博士生导师,兼任中国社会学会理论社会学专业委员会副理事长,德国耶拿大学特许教授资格研究员、客座教授,德国柏林洪堡大学客座研究员,德国生态经济研究院网络专栏作家。博士毕业于德国柏林自由大学,主要 ...
The recent Samsung Aptitude Test (SSAT) held Sunday raised sighs from applicants it has cranked up a difficulty level to ...