Connexall USA Inc., a workflow solutions company for the health care industry, has elevated Sandy Saggar, its interim CEO, to the permanent position.
Fort Collins mayor Jeni Ardt is the new board chair of the Platte River Power Authority for 2025. The board of directors also named Gary Hall, mayor of Estes Park, as vice chair. Their appointments ...
PLANS are afoot to make the streets leading from The Majestic condominium and SoVo (Small Office Versatile Office) to Jalan Yau Tet Shin where many famous Ipoh street food are found, more ...
Samoan beauty pageant judge Leiataualesa Jerry Brunt speaks out on the Miss Pacific Islands controversy after being held in Solomon Islands.
However, when the stop notices were issued two judges, Pakop Sovo of PNG, and Ms Ma'ata Mo'ungaloa Tupou of Tonga had already departed Solomon Islands. Samoa's Leiataualesa Jerry Brunt, Jane Kanas of ...
Beginner friendly yoga class led by Mona Dunham. No experience is necessary. Increase your flexibility and strength, get centered, and enjoy a workout in a supportive environment. Wear comfortable ...