Shanghai Shenhua defender Jiang Shenglong should have been shown a red card instead of a yellow for his foul during his ...
外国人在中国创业的机会巨大,但也伴随着不少挑战。通过了解中国市场的特殊性,避免常见的创业陷阱,并采取有效的应对措施,您将能够更好地规避风险,提升创业成功的几率。借助本地人才和资源、保持敏锐的市场洞察力,并不断优化自身的商业模式,您将在中国这个充满活力 ...
China has expressed firm opposition to the United States' decision to impose an additional 10 percent tariff on Chinese goods ...
The surge of DeepSeek, a two-year-old Hangzhou-based startup creating open-source large language models at much lower costs than foreign peers, has not only led to rising global investor interest in ...
记者: 据报道,美国政府效率部公布的最新解密文件称,美国防部2018年至2022年期间通过国防高级研究计划局向路透社一家子公司支付数百万美元,用于一项名为“大规模社会欺骗”的项目,外界质疑路透社可能长期配合美国防部信息战项目。请问发言人有何评论?
2月14日,美国网红作家阿什利·圣克莱尔(Ashley St. Clair)在社交平台上宣布,她于五个月前诞下特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克(Elon ...
In recent years, he has focused on global economic restructuring, the impact of AI on growth, and the evolution of a ...
For “ick”, you see, is what people say after a revolting experience like finding a fly in the soup. They literally go: “Ick” or “Eww”. Hence, by extension and figuratively, any unpleasant experience ...
依据《2025年全球软实力指数》报告,中国已超越英国,稳居全球第二位,较前一年提升一位。在颇具影响力的品牌评估顾问公司Brand ...
近日,哈佛大学官方学生报刊《哈佛深红报》发布了一篇题为《Should Harvard Admit More Rich Kids? Actually, Yes 》的文章,公开表示:哈佛就应该多招收富家子弟。