Farmers will need an up-to-date certification to purchase and use any professional rodenticides from 1 January 2026.
Protestors gathered outside the Whole Foods on 808 Massachusetts Ave. this past weekend to protest the grocery store’s use of ...
Bill Huber, president of the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM), is leading the charge for the ...
A Connecticut resident described bumblebees coming back to the same flower with insecticide on it: “it’s like they’re getting ...
University of Missouri Extension will hold virtual training for commercial pesticide applicators interested in Category 1A ...
On Feb. 20, the Senate Agriculture Committee passed a bill onto the floor of the senate. Paraphrased it reads, ...
Extension educators are surveying southern and eastern Idaho potato farmers to document the scope of their problems with ...
Numerous species in California are reliant on regular burning to thrive. However, when wildfire patterns grow erratic, the ...
An EPA investigation confirmed residents’ worst fears about operations at an industrial landfill. What happens next is all ...
Carbon dioxide is an insecticide and rodenticide fumigant. It is registered for use as a fumigant gas for the control of insects in grain and flour storage areas and for the control of rodents in ...