A man known as Italy's Robinson Crusoe who lived alone on an idyllic island for 32 years following a shipwreck has died. Mauro Morandi, who died on January 3 aged 85, lived as a hermit on the Isle ...
Moreover, Knox has long thought to have been the primary source for the character of Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, but other theories recently proposed have obscured such a claim. It is hypothesised ...
The volcanic island of Robinson Crusoe, 670 kilometers (416 miles) west of Chile's mainland, was renamed in 1966 after the famous Daniel Defoe novel about a man left to survive on a remote island.
Here's a theatre production that will make you shiver in your timbers! Mike Peterson has an all access preview of an upcoming ...
WHAT could possibly connect a Mexican mariachi band, backstabbing buccaneers and cackling cannibals? Wargrave’s pantomime, ...
There are few writers whose lives are as intriguing as their fiction, but Daniel Defoe, author of Moll Flanders, Robinson Crusoe and A Journal of the Plague Year, an account of his survival ...
Based on the novel written in 1719, this is said to be an action-packed period drama set in the 18th century, but with a contemporary take on race relations -- and a hero who will bear a ...
Press text The Smurfs Movie: ...