伟大的波兰诗人亚当·密茨凯维奇(Adam Mickiewicz)与中国有何共同之处?考虑到两个国家的地理距离以及历史文化差异,这一点似乎并不太可能。然而,早在20世纪初,密茨凯维奇的声音就传到了遥远的中国。这是怎么发生的呢?
RB Lipsk pokonał u siebie VfL Wolfsburg 1:0. (Fot. Getty Images) RB Leipzig completed the group of semi-finalists of the German Football Cup. Yesterday, the charges of coach Marco Rose beat VfL ...
High-rise Hotel, adjacent to Palace of Culture & Science; opposite the main train station; 5 minutes ride to Old Town.
…did the Polish government ‘not participate’ in the suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - the Polish government, refusing to surrender to Hitler, fled to London, where it joined the Allies to ...