In Beijing's Shijingshan district, a Unitree G1 robot, which spends weekdays on development and weekends working, caught ...
The 14th National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, concluded its third session on March 11. Chinese ...
China's top political advisory body on March 10 concluded its annual session, calling on political advisors to make new and ...
El máximo órgano asesor político de China concluyó hoy lunes su sesión anual con un llamado a sus miembros a hacer nuevas y mayores contribuciones para impulsar la modernización china.
Erik Solheim: China is now the most modern place in the world. I mean, if you go to the major cities in the South, like ...
中国年度全国人大会议于3月5日正式开幕,总理李强发表政府工作报告,在长达一小时、逾1.7万字的演讲中,关于“发放育儿补贴”和“普惠托育”政策的短短一句话,却在社交媒体上引发热烈讨论。许多网民疾呼“养娃难、快落实”,但也有人质疑“补贴资金从何而来?”对 ...
中国第14届全国人大三次会议星期三(3月5日)在北京开幕,国务院总理李强做政府工作报告,将2025年中国经济增长预期目标维持在5%左右,和去年相同。但分析人士普遍认为,在中国国内经济疲软和美国对中国商品关税压力加剧的背景下,要实现这一目标恐怕十分困难 ...
Com o compromisso vacilante do Ocidente em relação à governança climática global, o relatório de trabalho do governo da China enviou uma mensagem tranquilizadora de que a segunda maior economia do mun ...
现在的职场人,不会使用AI就相当于当年不懂office软件一样。 虽然很多人不懂人工智能运行的那套高精尖知识,但在每天的工作中AI已经成为必不可少的帮手、甚至都有喧宾夺主的味道了。
The Government Work Report delivered by Premier Li Qiang at the ongoing China's Two Sessions in Beijing not only highlights ...