“大部分患者是单纯性肥胖,这就需要多学科协作共同完成,这里包括胃肠减重外科、营养科、中医科、精神卫生科、呼吸科等,新开设的门诊更加方便了患者,以前不同病因的患者需要转科室诊疗,现在病人不动了,我们相应科室医生根据病人需求前来问诊。” 她说道。
BEIJING, March 13 (Xinhua) -- As a crucial platform for the government to promote high-level opening-up, China's pilot free trade zones (FTZs) have introduced pioneering reforms to create a first-clas ...
ISLAMABAD, March 10 (Xinhua) -- Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari said on Monday that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Gwadar Port have the potential to transform Pakistan into a ...
Erik Solheim: China is now the most modern place in the world. I mean, if you go to the major cities in the South, like ...
A recent survey by China Youth Daily and wenjuan.com, involving 2,009Chineserespondents,revealed that 52.8% of them hope to ...
研究结果以“Multiple molecular data provide new insights into phylogeny and historical biogeography of East Asian Artemisia L. (Asteraceae)”为题,发表在Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society(中国科学院二区,IF=2.4) 蒿属( ...
【王冠观点:乱世稳舟——中国是世界可靠的稳舵手】面对变乱交织的世界,在7日的全国两会外交政策记者会上,中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅以中国外交之坚定初心作出回应:坚定以中国的发展提供确定性,对冲全球动荡;坚定以“与朋友共”超越零和思维;坚定壮大“全球南方”力量;坚定突破科技封锁;坚定揭露单边主义代价——关税战从未让美国实现“再工业化”,印太战略反成地区“风险源”。当个别大国忙于全世界拉仇恨,中国 ...