Managing invasive species can keep our environment healthy and reduce costly land maintenance. City takes drastic action ...
The Sydney man, from Leichhardt, accused Inner West Council this week of never being able to "get anything right". He ...
A sapling giveaway is to be held at Taipei Hope Plaza Farmers Market on the eve of the International Day of Forests on ...
Invasive species are extremely problematic for ecosystems. They crowd out native plants, outcompeting them for soil, sunlight ...
Spring is upon us as trees are starting to bud out, new herbaceous plants are starting to appear and wildflowers pop up.
For all their showiness, tree ferns are extraordinary survivors. They hold their secrets close—but now, scientists are ...
The city has placed a "bounty" on the Bradford pear tree, bush honeysuckle, Chinese privet, tree of heaven, golden bamboo, English ivy and heavenly bamboo. The reward for the removal of these ...
Tree Ring Printmaking – 6 to 8 p.m. Meet at the Conference Center ... From 2-5 p.m. EST at the Visitor Center, volunteers and park ranger staff will work together to remove non-native Chinese Privet ...
Before you go, look online to find pictures of some of these invasive species: kudzu, chinaberry tree, wisteria (be sure is the non-native wisteria), Bradford pear, English ivy, Chinese privet and ...
The Bebb Herbarium is a member of the Texas-Oklahoma Regional Consortium of Herbaria (TORCH) which has consolidated their plant collections into a online database. Developing a comprehensive resource ...