Five-year-old Ella-May suddenly collapsed while her mother was painting her finger nails and doctors later found she had suffered a cardiac arrest as she spent a month at Alder Hey Hospital ...
A Suffolk mother and daughter duo are still on a mission to bring comfort to hospitalized kids through pillows. Pillows 4 Patients was started by Kerri Murawski and her daughter DeLainee after ...
“DeLainee has catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CVPT), which any type of endorphins or adrenaline over-excitement can cause her to go into V -tach, which is when your heart ...
Polymorphic ventricular extrasystolies and episodes of polymorphic non-sustained ventricular tachycardia were confirmed by Holter ECG monitoring. On the exertional electrocardiogram polymorphic ...