Krishna (name changed), 70, a farmer in Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, was having trouble with vision in one of his eyes. He also ...
The effectiveness of laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) in managing angle closure glaucoma is uncertain, with studies ...
Ophthalmology Times - ophthalmology news, articles, and events in a timely and accurate manner for members of the ophthalmic ...
The US contact lens market is more or less controlled by four players. Johnson & Johnson controls about a third of the market, Alcon and Cooper control roughly 25% each, and Bausch & Lomb controls 10% ...
Though cataract surgery is a common procedure, there are some dos and don'ts that one must follow as part of postoperative ...
Patient discussions are crucial for tailoring IOL choices, ensuring alignment with lifestyle, needs, and surgical outcome ...
Cataract surgery was associated with an increased risk of worsening diabetic retinopathy in adults with type 2 diabetes, ...
Phacovitrectomy for epiretinal membrane and cataract leads to higher prediction errors compared with standalone cataract surgery.
Study on cataract surgeries in Tamil Nadu reveals gender disparities in treatment, outcomes, and costs at Aravind Eye Hospitals.