Chen Yan, former vice chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, ...
“‘河北净菜’进京是河北省贯彻落实京津冀协同发展战略的一项重要举措。除了促进我们的发展外,对于保障北京市场供应和实现生活垃圾源头减量也具有重要意义。”去年底揭牌的 河北净菜有限责任公司的董事长刘章文表示。
Las "dos sesiones" sirven como una ventana crítica para observar el plan de desarrollo de China para el próximo año. Las decisiones y los anuncios sobre políticas hechos aquí no solo afectarán las ...
在一次例行的年度体检中,张女士收到了让她略感意外的结果。体检报告显示,在她一直认为平平无奇的颈动脉里,竟然悄悄埋藏着几个小小的斑块。刚拿到报告时,张女士还以为自己看错了,因为除了偶尔的工作压力,她觉得自己的生活方式还算健康。相信不少人都有过和张女士类 ...
BEIJING, 2 mar (Xinhua) -- La plataforma nacional para el registro de recursos de datos públicos de China entró en servicio este fin de semana, según la Administración Nacional de Datos.
The Department of Skill Development (DSD) is ramping up efforts to certify professional Muay Thai trainers, following a ...
Li Xiangang, former vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Congress, has been ...
BEIJING, March 1 (Xinhua) -- China's national platform for public data resource registration was put into service on Saturday, according to the National Data Administration (NDA).
In January 2024, during Hubei's Two Sessions, "Serving Youth for Their Career Fulfillment and Enjoyment" was incorporated ...
美国“霸凌型”人格又出来了,先是特朗普宣布将按时在下周对加拿大实施25%的关税,然后是谷歌地图开舔, 把加拿大“省立公园”(Provincial Park)标注成美国“州立公园”(State Park)!