Moreover, a band of approximately 90-kD that corresponds to these complexes was observed with a low intensity in the p53 Western blot from lung cancer samples in comparison with the other groups.
为解决 TP53 移码突变胃癌治疗难题,江南大学附属医院研究人员开展相关研究,发现 GSK690 可抑制 TP53 Frameshift NLS 胃癌细胞生长。该成果为这类患者提供新治疗策略,极具科研价值,推荐大家阅读。
Evasion of apoptosis is a key hallmark of cancer – inactivation of p53 is a central mechanism by which tumours escape the body’s control mechanisms and promote tumour growth and proliferation.
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为解决肺癌治疗难题,梨花女子大学的研究人员开展了关于 CAFs 与凋亡癌细胞相互作用的研究。结果发现二者通过 WISP-1-integrin ανβ3-STAT1 通路抑制肺癌细胞生长。这为肺癌治疗提供新思路,强烈推荐科研读者阅读。 在癌症的世界里,肺癌可谓是 ...
Now, with a click of a button, forensics work, such as image contrasting to detect deleted bands in a western blot, that takes science sleuths hours to perform manually can be performed nearly ...