CBSA found 14 kilos of opium in his luggage You can save this article by registering for free here. Or sign-in if you have an account. After an Ontario real estate agent returning from a trip to ...
Thousands of Chinese labourers were brought to Canada in the 1880s to build the Canadian Pacific Railway. After it was completed, many settled in Vancouver’s Chinatown, a neighbourhood many ...
(French poet/art critic Guillaume Apollinaire recounted the diverging vibes of the two neighborhoods by noting the passé “opium-smokers ... “Man with a Pipe,” 1911, oil on canvas ...
Ten kilograms of opium were discovered by the anti-drug force during a routine vehicle search in Mafraq, Jordan. The Administration of Media Security in the directorate of General Security ...
The report highlights: One of the most egregious examples of USAID’s mismanagement is its role in Afghanistan’s opium trade. The agency spent hundreds of millions of dollars on irrigation canals, ...