2013 年创维推出中国首台 OLED 电视,2015 年即成功量产 4K OLED 电视。2017 年推出中国第一台壁纸电视 Wallpaper 系列,2021 年推出创维 0.86 高色准 OLED 电视 S82 等,在产品推广方面也必然有大量投入。 2018 年,创维为提升 OLED 电视模组产能,在工厂扩建项目中投资 7300 ...
Last week, we brought you the news that LG might be resurrecting its ‘Wallpaper’ series of OLED TVs. The lack of clarity comes from the fact that while the W5 was mentioned as having won a CES ...
We’re not getting our hopes up too high, but there could be a new LG Wallpaper OLED TV coming soon. The LG W5, which wasn't physically at CES 2025 as far as we can tell (and we were there ...
5. It doesn’t have a price yet And, as always, if you have to ask you probably can’t afford it, but considering LG’s floppy Wallpaper OLED will set you back £8000 and that’s ‘only’ 65in, expect to ...