Earlier this week we broke down the complexities of mixed-phase precipitation forecasting.Within that we briefly touched on a key component to that complexity w ...
近日,武汉科技大学材料学部材料成型及控制工程专业大四学生余可多,作为第一作者在材料科学领域国际重要学术期刊《Journal of Materials Research and Technology》发表了题为《Comparative study on ...
A University of Hawaii at Mānoa study on the freezing of water droplets suspended in air sheds light on a key process in ...
Scientists in China built a four-terminal perovskite-CIGS tandem solar cell based on a top semi-transparent perovskite device with an efficiency of 21.26% and a high bifaciality factor of 92.2%. They ...
"On short timescales, glass behaves much like a solid. But the liquidlike structure of glass means that over a long enough ...
What they observed was surprising. Before the catastrophic rupture, the material exhibited a slow, creeping phase called a nucleation front. These nucleation fronts move at a snail’s pace compared to ...
Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Excited-State Energy Conversion and Energy Storage, and Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China ...
Results demonstrate that the presence of carbon delays the nucleation temperature of CoSi2 approximately 50 °C and significantly enhances the morphology and thermal stability of CoSi2 for PVD Co.