Kobe's "Achilles Game" shoes will hit auction in February. Check our Sneakers news for more upcoming releases and breaking ...
临近发售,今日迎来一组国内球鞋摄影大佬 weocia 的 Nike Kobe 9 Elite Protro “Masterpiece” 实拍美图。伴随着图片,我们再一起回顾一下这双传奇球鞋。当年为了给它造势,Nike 甚至推出了 “大师之路” ...
Following the releases of the Nike Kobe 9 Elite Protro “Halo” and Nike Kobe 9 Elite Protro “Christmas,” the streak of Kobe 9s will continue with the first-ever return of the “Moonwalker ...
随着Nike Kobe 9 Elite Protro“Masterpiece”的正式发售日临近,国内知名球鞋摄影师weocia今日公开了一组该鞋款的实物美图,展现其独特魅力。该款球鞋定档于2月8日发售,定价为240美元,货号为FZ7335-001,球迷们可提前做好购鞋准备。
距离Nike Kobe 9 Elite Protro“Masterpiece”的发售仅剩不到半个月,官方于今日正式释出官图。这款堪称‘Kobe大师之路’系列终点的复刻鞋,将于2月8日正式上市。作为当年引领篮球鞋设计的代表,Kobe 9的超高帮造型与Flyknit编织鞋面都在当时创下了行业新纪录。
The Kobe 5 Protro Year of Mamba will be dropping today (Jan. 9) on Nike.com and select retailers while the The Kobe 9 Elite High Protro “Masterpiece” will release Feb. 8 followed by the The ...
很早之前就传闻,Kobe 9 Elite大师之路会复刻回归,原本以为会在2025年年中前后才发布,但今天上午,Nike官方直接表示: 不用等半年,2月8日 ...
The Swoosh has confirmed the release of the Nike Kobe 5 Protro “Year of Mamba,” Nike Kobe 9 Elite High Protro “Masterpiece” and Nike Kobe 6 Protro “All-Star 2.0” through January and ...
Additionally, Nike will release two revamped footwear classics: the Kobe 9 Elite High Protro “Masterpiece” and the Kobe VI Protro “Sail.” The Kobe 9 features a React foam midsole and ...
春节假期结束,开工潮如约而至,球鞋爱好者们翘首以盼的 Nike Kobe 战靴发售小高潮也如约呈上。Nike 再次展现了其丰富创意与设计实力,为球迷和收藏家们带来了一系列令人瞩目的 Kobe 战靴新品。