春节假期结束,开工潮如约而至,球鞋爱好者们翘首以盼的 Nike Kobe 战靴发售小高潮也如约呈上。Nike 再次展现了其丰富创意与设计实力,为球迷和收藏家们带来了一系列令人瞩目的 Kobe 战靴新品。
过完春节,马上迎来一波 Nike Kobe 战靴发售的小高潮!首先是苦等多时的「大师之作」Kobe 9 Elite Protro “Masterpiece” 已在国区 SNKRS 上线预告,定档本周六 2 月 8 日。而下一周,还将迎来全新设计的 ...
Even mentioning details to the superstars' agents would risk info becoming public, which the Mavs thought was especially flammable.
Vanessa Bryant took to Instagram Monday to reveal a new Nike Kobe sneaker, although what will become of it is entirely unclear. The Nike Kobe 6 Protro "Checkerboard," as some are taking to calling it, ...
With her latest Kobes drop, Vanessa shared some sick purple Kobe 6 Colorways on Instagram that are hitting stores this month. The color is being called, “Purple Checkerboard”. Those are sweet. We ...
What are the best athlete nicknames of all time? FOX Sports Research compiled the list of the top 100 names across the sports world.
农历新年与2月的开端,正是球鞋爱好者关注的时刻。今年的“曼巴年”系列将推出几款备受期待的Kobe鞋款。首先,2月8日,将迎来距今11年首次复刻的Nike Kobe 9 Elite Protro “Masterpiece”。这双鞋的发售时间比最初预告提前了两个月,展现了Nike的诚意。复杂的彩虹Flyknit编织鞋面展现了Nike当年的顶尖工艺水平,内部鞋垫科技的复刻也是这双鞋的一大亮点。
You have to shine in the Shrine Bowl—consider it a pre-draft proving ground for under-the-radar talents looking to make an ...