Hiremath sought appointment of a court receiver in her partition suit, alleging that her brothers control the promoter shares ...
A LEADING brand with over 30 years’ experience, Hairhouse is officially opening its newest location at Park Beach Plaza next ...
The Suwon KT Sonicboom showed grace under heavy pressure and escaped the Daegu KOGAS Pegasus, 75-74, to stretch their winning ...
JTBC aired “JTBC Drama Golden Lineup” on March 1st, showcasing special highlight videos for five upcoming dramas: The Art of ...
Maame Akua Donkor's daughter cried after her family asked her to go for a loan to finance her late mother's funeral, despite ...
我一到家,就招呼家里的人来品尝这陌生女子带来的粽子。这粽子还热气腾腾的呢!孩子欢天喜地从房间里走出来,公公也从电视旁起身,婆婆从厨房里拿出盘子,取来筷子。我把袋子里的粽子一个个放到盘子里,粽子是用肥硕的苇叶包裹,再用彩色的绳子捆扎,又大又可爱,像足月生的胖娃娃,绝没有小气、分量不足之感。想起她嘱咐我的话:“各种口味的都有,你们吃到什么就是什么!”心里又有一种喜悦升腾:“咦,不知道我是什么运气,会吃 ...
I regard the bandits' actions as doomed attempts at comprehensive measures to destabilize the situation in our region,' says ...