They also allow researchers to track the spread of cancer throughout a mouse’s body using only color. In mice, these cells are about 13 micrometers across, or roughly six times smaller than the width ...
On the day the experiment will start: Print and fill out a log sheet with the mouse IDs, Experimental group, diet, sex, date-of-birth of the mice (if relevant), body weight at the start of the study, ...
They have developed a method that, for the first time, enables the precise detection of nanocarriers -- tiny transport vehicles -- throughout the entire mouse body at a single-cell level.
This important study shows that the activity of hypothalamic hypocretin/orexin neurons (HONs) correlates with body movement over multiple behaviors. Sophisticated techniques and analyses showcase this ...
For body temperature monitoring, the investigator must arrange for implantation of the telemetry devices and the mice be allowed to recover 2 weeks before measuring. It is absolutely CRITICAL that the ...
The pygmy mouse lemur is the smallest primate in the world. Its head and body are less than two and a half inches long, though its tail is a bit more than twice that length. These threatened ...
These cells have the potential to develop into any cell type in the body. When these special stem cells were injected into a developing mouse embryo, they produced what is known as a chimera ...