A mountain lion killed two goats and a sheep at a Fort Bragg homestead, highlighting human/wildlife encounters in Northern ...
Mountain lion attacks 5-year-old boy at Malibu Creek State Park A mountain lion was euthanized after it attacked and injured a 5-year-old boy at Malibu Creek State Park over the weekend.
CAMARILLO, Calif. (KABC) -- A young mountain lion was captured Wednesday afternoon after it was spotted roaming through a Camarillo neighborhood. The mountain lion was tranquilized and captured ...
“The problem is the (mountain lion) quota in this area never even gets close to being filled. I can attest to the herd of deer on my property in the last four years has gone from 30 down to about 10 ...
A mountain lion was spotted on camera in a wooded and snow-covered area of South Lake Tahoe. KCRA 3 viewer Toogee Sielsch shared the video on Tuesday, saying the animal was moving along a creek ...
A measure to upend the state’s science-backed approach to managing mountain lions and usher in an era of unlimited killing divided the Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association. “Quite a few” big game ...
A mountain lion led authorities on a chase around a suburban Camarillo neighborhood Wednesday afternoon. Authorities received a report of a mountain lion sighting at 8:42 a.m. in the backyard of a ...
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife releases the mountain lion cub back into the wild. Image via San Diego Humane Society. The cub was released back into the wild in Ventura County on June ...