While the people at KCCI weren’t too worried about Y2K, they were ready in case the Millennium Bug bit. Y2K preparations were important to make in 1999. Even if the bug wasn't seen as that big ...
This means quantum systems offer the possibility of solving key problems that are beyond classical computers, is areas such ...
However, observations made of the asteroid on February 19-20 have further decreased its chance of Earth impact to 0.28%.
They feared that key sectors would be adversely affected by the millennium bug, occasioned by a tradition by computing engineers to use two digits for programmes (and omitting 19) when referring ...
The year 2000 was going to be very special, for a multitude of reasons. We were entering into a new millennium, a new era, a year that only existed in Science-Fiction stories. This was by no means a ...
25 years ago the world overcame the Y2K crisis. John Barron looks at how Australia beat the millennium bug, a global panic over fears our computer systems would meltdown when the date hit 1/1/2000.
Common fears of the “millennium bug” or “Y2K glitch” included airplanes falling from the sky, prison cells springing open, widespread power outages and bank balances disappearing overnight.