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President Trump’s abrupt and enthusiastic embrace of Russia and its authoritarian leader, Vladimir Putin, is propelled in part by a strategic desire to drive a wedge between Moscow and Beijing ...
Beijing promised to expand a pilot program giving full foreign ownership in sectors like telecommunications, health care and education. It also vowed to formulate new policies to encourage ...
Dhaka [Bangladesh], February 18 (ANI): China objected to the India-China borderline on the map in the textbooks of Bangladesh, the Chinese envoy in Dhaka said on Tuesday. “We do find that some of the ...
China objected to the India-China borderline on the map in the textbooks of Bangladesh, the Chinese envoy in Dhaka said on Tuesday. The Tribune, now published from Chandigarh, started publication ...
The change was welcomed by Taipei but triggered one of the strongest rebukes from Beijing since Donald Trump returned to the White House. China’s ruling Communist Party claims the self-governing ...
Beijing has pursued a head-turning military buildup under Chinese leader Xi Jinping, during which the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) – previously not even one of the strongest in Asia – has ...
问题是时代的声音。改革是由问题倒逼而产生,又在不断解决问题中得以深化。习近平总书记在《关于〈中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定〉的说明》中阐明了在决定稿起草过程中重点把握的内容,其中一点就是“紧紧围绕推进中国式 ...