苹果对于自己看准了的技术往往会带着赌徒般的决绝,就像当年抛弃软驱、去除光驱、全面换用固态硬盘那样,一年半后的新 MacBook Pro 更是偏执地用上了高达 4 个 Thunderbolt 3 协议的 USB-C 接口。直至今日,尽管 MagSafe ...
If you are set on buying an Apple laptop, but aren't sure if you should go with the MacBook Air or MacBook Pro, here are the ...
近日,有关苹果即将在下月发布新款MacBook Air的消息浮出水面,爆料来源于外媒MacRumors的报道。新款MacBook Air很可能会搭载苹果最新的M4系列处理器,此前在去年10月进行的MacBook ...
近期,苹果的iPad Air和MacBook Air型号库存异常紧张,这一现象引发了市场的广泛关注。彭博社知名分析师Mark Gurman透露,苹果可能在准备推出新版产品,预计将在2025年上半年发布搭载更快M4芯片的MacBook ...
这款苹果 MacBook Pro 2023款 M3版 14英寸 轻薄本,搭载了最新款的M3芯片,性能强劲。M3芯片采用 3nm 制程技术,包含10核图形处理器和8核中央处理器,带来比M1芯片快达65%的图形处理性能和35%的中央处理器性能提升。同时,它还支持最高可达24GB的统一内存。轻薄的设计,深空灰色的颜色非常低调而奢华。
I remember when Apple put the . That devious smile by CEO Tim Cook, appearing in his first action-filled ad spot and dropping ...
This MacBook Air gets up to 18 hours of battery life on a single charge, and at only 2.7 pounds, it's easy to grab and go.
苹果 MacBook Pro 14英寸笔记本电脑搭载了最新的 M4 芯片,具有卓越的性能和高效的电池寿命。这款笔记本设计轻薄便携,适合需要高性能但又不想牺牲便携性的用户。此外,它还配备了 Retina ...
Even though it's slightly older now, the MacBook Air M2 still ranks as the best budget MacBook as it's more affordable and ...
Apple's MacBook Air lineup offers a number of different configurations across two screen sizes, the smallest of which is ...
TL;DR: Get a high-performance laptop without the high-performance price tag with this refurbished 16-inch MacBook Pro for ...