Our many years of rifle testing have shown the 6.5 Creedmoor to be one of the most precise cartridges to choose when using factory ammo, but what is the most accurate 6.5 Creedmoor ammo? Because each ...
James Bachynsky, president of the Calgary Shooting Centre, said ammo prices haven't come down since spiking during COVID-19. (Terri Trembath/CBC) James Bachynsky, president of the Calgary Shooting ...
凭借增加的RADA RPS-42雷达,MADISMK2可以较为精确地发现无人机甚至是一些小微型无人机,引导6管的M134转轮机枪实施打击。MK1则更适合用来探测和引导打击固定翼飞机、直升机等目标。 小微型无人机体积小、雷达反射截面积小,且通常飞行距离短、飞行路线多变 ...
If there is one thing militaries worldwide have learned, unnecessary expenses can lead to lost lives. As a result, there is an idea that if a weapon isn’t broken and still works efficiently in ...