US-based Eli Lilly's Kisunla drug and Japanese company Eisai's Leqembi (below), two breakthrough drugs for the diagnosis and ...
Financially secure older residents are working out, travelling overseas for conferences and enrolling in classes. Experts say ...
Despite world-class healthcare and a high life expectancy, women in Singapore spend 12% more of their lives in poor health ...
A $439 billion rally in Chinese tech megacaps this year has left their once-unbeatable US peers in the dust, an ...
Advocates, including former drug users and student volunteers, are using sports, peer support, and creative outreach to steer ...
Bridging the health gender gap could add up to $4.05 billion in annual incremental GDP for Singapore by 2040. Read more at ...
事实上,各种(zhǒng)体育组织,都希望增加(jiā)比赛(sài)场次(cì),以获得更高的(de)收入。世界杯、欧洲杯都在扩军。近几年还诞生了澳门资料78925欧国联、世俱杯的各种新赛制。过去,顶尖的职(zhí)业足球运动员一年大概参加40多(duō)场比(bǐ)赛(sài),现在(zài)有的人一年要踢上70场比(bǐ)赛,翻了近一倍,所以足(zú)球运动员(yuán)近年来也对越来(lá ...
Sarah Cannizzo, an associate veterinarian at Forth Worth Zoo, is one of only two zoo vets in Texas certified to conduct ...
其实,在为数不多的几次采访中,周云杰就表现出了“i”人特质,弹幕里,网友也纷纷表示,周总的“i”人性格,挺可爱的。 对于接棒的3年多时间,75岁的海尔集团创始人张瑞敏给予周云杰高度肯定, ...
From Whoopi Goldberg to Meghan McCain, many stars have cohosted the hit daytime talk show throughout the years.
The first week of the striped bass season is in the books and anglers found fishing willing to bite in Toms River.