Good Girl,” by the German-born writer Aria Aber, asks what it means to want to belong to a society that wishes you harm.
The Ultimates #10 reveals how the android Human Torch, Captain America's teammate on the Invaders, killed Hitler.
Muskmobile Facebook group becomes support circle for anti-Tesla abuse Comment Since Elon Musk vigorously threw up a gesture ...
Right-wingers would do well to stop assuming their views are held by the majority, and that actions don't still have consequences.
Stephanie Lovins, 49, right, is an Ohio realtor being mercilessly trolled after allegedly leaving no tip and a nasty message ...
New York prosecutors on Wednesday laid out new details in the disturbing case and revealed that two children, ages 7 and 12, ...
David Schwimmer called on fellow Jewish members of Hollywood to make more of an effort when it comes to speaking out against ...
Conservatives should not applaud Ferguson as he tries to put the government’s thumb on the scale in the name of fairness ...
As Trump entered the US Capitol to deliver his speech, he was greeted with cheers and loud claps but Melania Trump's facial ...
The point of what we are doing here is to try to get these 16-year-olds to realize how hurtful the hateful actions were.” ...
Now living on Vancouver Island in Canada, Gary Trew looks back on his younger days in Brighton & Hove in his new memoir The ...