2025年2月27日, Fulgent Genetics(FLGT)披露16笔公司内部人交易情况。持股10%以上股东Hsieh Ming于2025年2月26日卖出2.00万股。
越南政府总理范明政27日签发关于今后五年保障性住房建设目标的第444号决定(444/QĐ-TTg)。根据决定,2025年至2030年,全国各地需要建设保障性住房995445套。 芹苴市一个保障性住房项目。图自越通社 ...
过去海外AI更强时,无论是政府还是企业对于中下游产业链是不敢大规模投资的,因为担心即使我们制造了所有的产品,但核心技术和利润都被上游企业攫取,就像苹果和英伟达一样。 所以,我们认为2025年仍处于这个周期的初期阶段。在2025年及未来相当长一段时间内 ...
越南政府总理范明政2月26日下午在政府驻地会见了全球最具信誉的评级机构--标准普尔全球评级首席商务官Lynn Maxwell。 会见场景。图自越通社 ...
"China firmly opposes it and has made solemn representations to the Canadian side," Lin said when asked about Canada's announcement that it had imposed sanctions on 76 foreign entities and individuals ...
A prática do Canadá de sancionar entidades chinesas é irracional e muito errada, disse o porta-voz do Ministério das Relações Exteriores, Lin Jian, em uma coletiva de imprensa regular na terça-feira.
值得注意的是,Xbot Space的衰落不仅仅是个体企业的悲剧,也是整个AI产业的缩影。根据数据显示,近80,000家AI相关公司面临关闭,而投资规模相比往年下降了37%。在这场倒闭潮中,Xbot Space不仅要面对自身的管理和运营问题,更要面对整个市场环境的变化:投资者的口味愈发苛刻,资本的寒冬似乎让创业者们无路可退。
BEIJING, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- By shutting out Chinese enterprises and the Chinese market, the United States will end up hurting its own economic interests and international credibility, foreign ...
A China continuará a desempenhar um papel construtivo na promoção da solução política da crise na Ucrânia, disse o porta-voz do Ministério das Relações Exteriores da China, Lin Jian, nesta segunda-fei ...
China will continue to play a constructive role in promoting the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, Chinese Foreign ...