The four bodies were later identified by Israel's National Center of Forensic Medicine in Tel Aviv as those of Ohad Yahalomi, ...
Israeli authorities on Thursday began releasing more than 600 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails as part of the Gaza ...
以色列央行的“头条”利率是由央行行长每个流动月宣布的利率。 公告自1993年开始发布,为各商业银行提供了本地货币与物价挂钩的存款和信贷的利率基准。 如果该指标比预期更高,则应认为新锡克尔强势/看涨,而如果该指标比预期更低,则应认为新锡克尔弱势/看跌。
China is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and the council's rotating president this month, and Arab countries highly value China's unique and important role, Abdelatty said, ...
以色列军方星期五(2月21日)表示,已确认两名年幼人质遗体的身分,但哈马斯在停火协议下交出的另一具遗体并非这对兄弟的母亲。总理本雅明‧内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin ...
Israel objects to Palestinian sovereignty in the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and East Jerusalem, territories it seized in the 1967 Middle East war.
以色列CPI预测 -0.2% 相对 0.0%提供者 - 2017年3月16日 - 星期三官方数据显示,上月以色列消费者价格通胀超预期保持不变.中央统计局在报告中称,以色列CPI季度调整的年度水平保持不变为0.0%,上月到-0.2%分析家之前预计,上月... 以色列CPI预测 -0.3% 相对 -0.2%提供者 - ...