3月4日,肖邦研究院举办新闻发布会, 正式公布171名选手进入第十九届肖邦国际钢琴比赛,其中共有 67位中国(含港澳)选手入围,列首位。日本和韩国各有24位和23位入围。 预赛将于2025年4月23日至5月4日举行。
肖邦国际钢琴比赛(International Chopin Piano Competition)是世界著名钢琴比赛之一,从1927年开始每五年举办一次。在全球享有极高声誉,至今已有90余年的历史。它由波兰钢琴家Jerzy ...
A total of 171 pianists from 28 countries have been selected to compete for a place in the 19th International Chopin Piano ...
Over two-thirds of pianists accepted to play in the preliminary round of Poland's prestigious Chopin competition hail from East Asia, ...
She was the only Japanese to reach the final stage in the previous Chopin Competition in 2015, but failed to place in sixth or above. Kobayashi has performed on the international stage since she ...
International Young Artist Piano Competition in Washington DC, Chopin International Piano Competition in Hartford, CT, and Kosciuszko Foundation Chopin Competition in Washington DC. Read full bio ...
A concert of Chopin's music will celebrate the 215th anniversary of the composer's birth in Poland on Saturday.
If Hayato Sumino were only a classical pianist, then reaching the third round of the prestigious 18th International Chopin Competition would be enough for him to rest on his laurels. But Sumino ...
In describing Virtuoso Voyage, the annual benefit of the Palm Springs International Piano ... won third place in the Miami Competition, qualifying him for the Chopin Competition in Warsaw.