"From developing small robots that could swim through the oceans of other worlds to growing space habitats from fungi, this program continues to change the possible." ...
The team named the new technology Modulated Ringdown Comb Interferometry, or MRCI (pronounced “mercy”). Liang said the laser is powerful enough to identify a variety of molecules in a breath sample.
Scientists from the University of Colorado Boulder were apart of the team that developed a device to analyze gas, which could be used as a medical tool.
Carl Barus, -of Brown University, recently published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, a number of interesting applications of achromatic interferometry are described. In the first ...
For the first time, the University of Michigan Department of Astronomy is leading the launch of a satellite into space.
These systems, made by the life-sciences supplier Sartorius, utilize bio-layer interferometry (BLI) to monitor biomolecular interactions, label-free and in real time. When compared to other ...