The fast-fashion retailer was founded in Los Angeles in 1984 by South Korean immigrants. Its inexpensive, trendy clothes and accessories became increasingly popular with young people over the next few ...
BAGHDAD, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani emphasized on Sunday that de-escalation and dialogue are the most effective paths to resolving crises in a region as ...
欲望,一直是人类身上的驱动力,它制造了大量令人愉悦和有用的东西;而在人与人的关系中,欲望也造成了无数的问题、混乱和不幸——追求快乐的欲望。全世界的僧侣与苦行者都试图超越它,强迫自己膜拜某个理想、形象或者符号。但欲望始终在那里,就像一团熊熊燃烧的火焰。要探究、发现欲望的本质,欲望的复杂性,它的诸多活动、需求和满足——对权力、地位、名望、身份愈演愈烈的欲望,还有对那不可命名者、对超越我们日常生活的事物 ...
SF Airlines, China's largest air-cargo carrier in terms of fleet size, has increased its fleet to 90 freighters, notable ...
The Xinduizhou Stone Forest, a testament to nature's artistry, is a must-visit spot. 每年的春天和秋天是最适合观赏石 forest 的季节,紫色的山 Suzuki, ...
Standing for more than 700 years, the ancient building is testament to Beijing's history. Surrounding it, the labyrinth of ...
据济宁发布报道,央视3·15晚会曝光梁山希希纸制品有限公司销售劣质卫生巾、婴儿纸尿裤问题后,济宁市委、市政府高度重视,立即成立由市场监管、卫生健康、公安等部门组成的联合调查组,第一时间赶赴现场, 依法对涉事企业进行查封,控制了企业负责人 ...
In the ever-expanding tapestry of urban design, the mini car stands as a testament to human ingenuity and cultural identity.
An American influencer has apologized after facing backlash for picking up a baby wombat and carrying it away from its mother ...
China's expertise and experience in building windbreaks on deserts have earned global acclaim. By using grass grids made of wheat straw to stabilize the sand, vast numbers of people from all walks of ...