Fasting is an annual feature, which is expected to promote all conceivable attributes necessary for human excellence ...
The band called him "Cheese" and the 20-year-old Kenner native was known for his "energy, spirit, and impact on those around ...
In Islam, the world is considered a passage, not the beginning nor the end – only a bridge between what was and what will be ...
Independent bookstores are enjoying an unexpected resurgence in the post-pandemic years, earning dedicated followings despite ...
Friends described Wilson as a “comedic genius” constantly pulling pranks on other members of the band, but also as someone ...
Lent’s purpose and intent is much deeper and more hopeful than that. It is a time to refresh the human soul with the experience of God and God’s love.
In a world where “homemade” often means “removed from freezer and warmed up,” this northern Indiana gem stands as a testament ...
A Catholic priest who has spent two decades performing exorcisms has detailed some of the cases that have convinced him the ...
Almost all of us have heard or read that we are souls. But very few people are aware of this fact in their daily lives, and ...
If we allow DEI to crumble, everything it has built will collapse into a heap of rubble, forgotten and buried.
Only God knows the deepest realities of the human heart. Whatever we see of one another, no matter how attentive or ...