17日下午,习近平总书记在贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州考察了黎平县肇兴侗寨,了解当地加强基层党组织建设和社会治理、保护传承民族传统文化、推进乡村全面振兴等情况。(文字记者:朱基钗;摄影记者:谢环驰、燕雁、申宏、翟健岚) ...
【信团鼓楼话振兴,习近平:祝你们的日子越过越红火】17日下午,习近平总书记来到贵州黎平县肇兴侗寨考察。在村寨的信团鼓楼,习近平同村干部和村民代表围坐在火塘边共话乡村全面振兴。大家你一言、我一语,争相向总书记讲述近年来的村寨变化和幸福生活。习近平高兴地说,从你们的讲述、你们的神情可以看出,村寨这些年欣欣向荣。现在旅游是一个很大的产业,乡村旅游如火如荼,民族地区要保留自己的特色文化,在文旅融合中更加彰 ...
China will allocate about 66.74 billion yuan ($9.22 billion) in employment subsidies as part of efforts to support local ...
U.S. President Donald Trump said he has no intention of creating exemptions on steel and aluminum tariffs and said reciprocal ...
U.S. President Donald Trump said he has no intention of creating exemptions on steel and aluminum tariffs and said reciprocal ...
Since returning to the White House in January, Trump has unleashed a barrage of tariff announcements. He has imposed 20% ...
China's clean energy sector continued to soar last year, with the total installed capacity of wind and solar power surpassing ...
China's GDP grew 5% last year, reaching the official target, largely due to extensive government stimulus measures. But the ...
BEIJING, March 3 (Reuters) - China's factory activity grew at a faster pace in February, driven by stronger supply and demand, including a rebound in export orders, a private-sector survey showed ...
one-child policy: a programme implemented by the central government in China from 1979 to 2015 to slow population growth. It ...