And that level is measured in pH. Learning how to test your soil’s pH or find out how acidic your soil is easy as there are a few tools you can use. It's a good idea to perform one of these ...
Choose several subsample areas that are fairly indicative of the rest of the soil in your growing space. Dig 5-10 subsamples 4" down if you're just testing for pH, 6" down if you're testing for pH ...
The relative proportions of all these, along with pH, determine soil type. The pH of a soil refers to its acidity or alkalinity and is a vital factor in plant growth. It's easy to measure and is ...
Adding too little fertilizer or the wrong fertilizer could produce little or no results. Therefore, for optimum plant growth, testing your soil pH and nutrient status every 3 to 5 years is highly ...
Gardeners are being urged to check their soil in February to avoid running into problems growing things this coming summer.
The University of Delaware Soil Testing Lab uses the Adams-Evans buffer pH test to determine lime requirement for a field based on soil test analysis of an 8-inch composite soil sample. In this quick ...