On 24 February, the 62nd Session of the the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)(hereinafter referred to as the Session) opens in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. Government delegations ...
A huge statue of Mao Zedong still stands near the entrance to Zhejiang University, surveying the transformation of the eastern city of Hangzhou, 175km (110 miles) south-west of Shanghai.
On the shores of scenic West Lake in China’s Hangzhou, companies dubbed the “six little dragons” are quietly working to upend America’s so-called supremacy of artificial intelligence.
习近平总书记指出,推进中国式现代化,科学技术要打头阵,科技创新是必由之路。 在这一时代浪潮中,浙江杭州,成为2025年第一个因科技创新而 ...
日前,浙江11个设区市GDP及增速纷纷出炉:已率先晋级GDP“2万亿俱乐部”的杭州,总量依然稳居全省第一;宁波成为全国GDP第十一城;温州距离“万 ...